Friday, December 11, 2015

december: currently

looking forward to spending over a week in North Carolina for Christmas. The move has been a bit hard for me, and it will be nice to see familiar faces and sights. 

needing to purchase a new pair of jeans, since I am down a pair (they completely split one night while I was sitting on the couch - at least I was at home!). I'm thinking either these or maybe this pair?

gearing up for a new year. 2015 was a big year for me (wedding, honeymoon, move to DC) and this time last year I was in full-on wedding mode. It will be nice to come up with a list of goals and work towards them in 2016, which I think will be a lot calmer.

feeling like I'm starting to get into a rhythm with the kids I nanny.

wearing leggings and boots. Every. Day. 

thinking a lot about the future and the possibility of purchasing a home (well, a condo) in DC or Maryland(!)

reading the Lunar Chronicles series. I know these books are for YA, but they are really good. I'm on the third book right now and trying to savor the story a bit instead of flying through.

loving that my schedule allows so much time to read.

making all of the Christmas cookies. Hoping to get a recipe up on the blog sometime soon.

watching Parenthood. I'm on season two and think I cry every episode. Matt and I will be seeing Star Wars opening night, of course.

enjoying the Christmas season. Matt and I have been trying to take part in all of the holiday events that DC has to offer, and every weekend is an adventure.

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